Create a video message in support of Health School Meals for All.
Our state did not extend free school meals for all students for the 2022-2023 school year. Lawmakers decided not to extend what the federal government did during the pandemic. For three years, students and families came to rely on this program. This year families had to find the money. This means that there are students who are going to go hungry. Let’s make healthy school meals for all a permanent solution!
You can help. Record a brief video letting lawmakers know how much school meals for all have helped you, your family, friends, and/or community.
Here are some quick facts:
- School meals help build equity and avoid stigma for children who don’t have the funds to buy lunch.
- School meals support families by removing morning tasks and helps ensure children will eat healthily.
- School meals improve attendance and academic performance.
- School meals reduce administrative burden on schools, allowing them to focus on the education and wellness of children.
- Children are more likely to try new foods.
Reminders for making your video:
Write down what you are going to say.
Practice it.
Look at the camera.
Avoid shooting where there’s a really bright background – like a window – behind you.
Smile, count to 3 and hit record.
You’re Awesome!